Aquicon / RDHA / City of Brampton
Post-Build Retrofit
1975 Williams Parkway East, Bramton
Project Highlights
Have you ever wondered where is all that salt and sand stored for the roads for our harsh Canadian winters? They are in huge, city owned, storage buildings just like this new one, build for the City of Brampton.
There is nothing remarkable of this building, other than that it is very large and has everything a storage building needs. These type of buildings, almost always have a problem with birds establishing their habitat inside. Lots of beams, ledges and small crevices provide the perfect shelter for sparrows and pigeons. Surely, the Client must have had their struggle with bird problems in the past, because literally, every part of the inside was bird proofed.
We installed approximately 40,000 square feet of 3/4″ bird netting under the trusses, horizontally and also vertically, on the walls, where structural steel was exposed. We also protected the exhaust units and light fixtures using Bird Spikes.
For the unsuspecting eye the presence of the netting is barely detectable. Not so much for the birds – as they fly in there is no space to land and so they turn around and fly out immediately.