Maryann Neary
Post-Build Retrofit
61 Crossovers Street
Project Highlights
Newer residential house developers always come up with new structural features and most of the time they become favourite nesting spots for pigeons.
These corner balconies frequently get damaged by nesting pigeons – droppings and nest accumulate throughout the floor and then the constant noise becomes very irritating.
Most of these balconies also have modular floors, which makes it very time consuming to clean as the floor panels have to be removed one by one, cleaned and then re-installed.
The structural materials on these residential homes can also be challenging due the various materials used that deteriorate prematurely and mounting securely gets complicated.
For this application we use our usual 2” bird netting, that we use on high rise apartment balconies and we ensure that the proper mounting hardware is used to guarantee that the work will stay effective for a long time to come.